[18952]  Pen3のピン
投稿者:ももんが さん   2001-01-13 20:36:49
Pen3 700 FG-PGAのピンを間違って折ってしまいました。AJ31を折ると133MHzで認識すると聞いてピンを折ったのですが、データシートで向きを見間違えてG33を折ってしまいました。その後、AJ31を折って無事133MHzで起動したのですが、このG33は無くてもいいのでしょうか?データシートを見てもさっぱりわかりません。詳しい方いらっしゃいましたらよろしくお願いします。
  1. Beth さん   2001-01-14 03:40:13
    Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual
    Volume 3: System Programming
    の、5-25 に、

    Interrupt 3 - Breakpoint Exception (#BP)

    Exception Class  Trap.

    Indicates that a breakpoint instruction (INT 3) was executed, causing a breakpoint trap to be generated. Typically, a debugger sets a breakpoint by replacing the first opcode byte of an instruction with the opcode for the INT 3 instruction. (The INT 3 instruction is one byte long, which makes it easy to replace an opcode in a code segment in RAM with the breakpoint opcode.) The operating system or a debugging tool can use a data segment mapped to the same physical address space as the code segment to place an INT 3 instruction in places where it is desired to call the debugger.

    With the P6 family, Pentium, Intel486, and Intel386 processors, it is more convenient to set breakpoints with the debug registers. (Refer to Section 15.3.2., “Breakpoint Exception (#BP) - Interrupt Vector 3”, in Chapter 15, Debugging and Performance Monitoring, for information about the breakpoint exception.) If more breakpoints are needed beyond what the debug registers allow, the INT 3 instruction can be used.

    The breakpoint (#BP) exception can also be generated by executing the INT n instruction with an operand of 3. The action of this instruction (INT 3) is slightly different than that of the INT 3 instruction (refer to “INTn/INTO/INT3 - Call to Interrupt Procedure” in Chapter 3 of the Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2).

    Exception Error Code

    Saved Instruction Pointer
    Saved contents of CS and EIP registers point to the instruction following the INT 3 instruction.

    Program State Change
    Even though the EIP points to the instruction following the breakpoint instruction, the state of the program is essentially unchanged because the INT 3 instruction does not affect any register or memory locations. The debugger can thus resume the suspended program by replacing the INT 3 instruction that caused the breakpoint with the original opcode and decrementing the saved contents of the EIP register. Upon returning from the debugger, program execution resumes with the replaced instruction.

  2. ももんが さん   2001-01-14 06:55:01
  3. 赤星鷹 さん   2001-01-16 19:59:29
  4. Beth さん   2001-01-16 22:36:38
    > すみません、便乗質問ですが、AJ31を折ると133MHzで認識するというのは、逆に言えばAJ31を折らないとFSBによるオーバークロックが出来ない、と言うことですか?
